Photo of Reward Points

  • Credit card reward points redeeming
  • |
  • Travel rewards
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  • Rewards for miles
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  • Merchandise & gift cards
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  • Cash back rewards

The App enables the credit card holders to redeem their reward points in the form of travel rewards for flight or hotel booking, merchandise, gift cards and more.

  • angular AngularJS
  • Node.js_logo NodeJs
  • CI-CD
  • aws-ec2 AWS RDS
  • AWS Webservices
  • AWS Shield

How Our Website Looks Like

Project Overview

Drawing on the fact that every human being loves shopping without having to spend any real money, the leading banks of the world encashed on this idea by giving a platform to users to shop on their credit cards to earn reward points for a later redemption with handsome rewarding gifts. And this is where Reward Points Redeeming Apps came into play!

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With every great idea comes a challenge of finding a robust team who can help accomplish that idea to become a gratifying reality. And so was the case with our revered client who struggled wee bit before approaching us on Upwork and our website to share his brilliant idea.

His idea was to create a robust central web portal for reward point redemption that would allow different leading banks to pick their preferred options to be added to their respective Reward Points Redeem Apps from the portal for their users.


Wegile not only created the central web portal for the client, but also created multiple Reward Points Redeeming Apps for several leading banks of the world connected to this portal. The apps enable the credit card holders to redeem their reward points in the form of travel rewards for flight and hotel booking, merchandize and gift cards, and also cashback rewards depending upon the card type.


The centralized web portal created by Wegile today leverages its functionality to several leading banks of the world by offering a pool of reward points redeeming options to choose from. Every bank on board is running their independent reward points web app where users login with their SSO and get presented with a plethora of reward point redeeming options to choose from thereby enjoying the luxury of shopping without having to spend any real money!