Electron vs. Flutter: Which One Fits Your App Development Vision?

By: Himani Juneja Time: 12 Min Read Updated: Sept 20, 2023

Flutter and Electron have long been staples in app development circles; both platforms often draw comparisons between themselves when discussing app creation.

The discussions about Electron vs. Flutter often emerges online due to being feature-rich frameworks with many capabilities that streamline app creation processes altogether.

Moreover, their advantages are the top reasons for being given high priority by app developers alike.

While both frameworks may sound like they share similarities in many regards, however, they’re quite different.

Each of these platforms has its unique strengths and weaknesses, which must be carefully taken into consideration during comparison discussions.

In this article, we will learn about Electron and Flutter and also help you understand which of the two frameworks is a better choice for your app development.

Electron vs. Flutter: Understanding Crucial Frameworks


Flutter is a framework that hails from the labs of Google, a name synonymous with innovation.

It allows developers to create dazzling mobile, desktop, and web applications using a unified codebase.

Imagine building applications that run seamlessly, providing users with a native-like experience.

Flutter achieves this by compiling code to native, delivering a stellar performance.

Notable players such as Google, Alibaba, and eBay are leveraging Flutter's potential.

This framework has sparked the interest of developers worldwide, becoming a go-to choice for cross-platform app development.

So is Flutter better than Electron?

Well, hold your patience as we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Flutter!

Advantages of Flutter

  • High Performance:

    Flutter stands out among today's platforms by its exceptional performance capabilities, compiling code to native machine language for seamless app execution and an unparalleled user experience.

  • Single Codebase

    Flutter excels at sharing code across platforms - iOS, Android, and the web are all covered within one codebase! Sharing this way saves both time and prevents inconsistencies between platforms by sharing common elements across environments.

  • Rich Widget Library:

    Flutter offers an abundant library of widgets to make creating user interfaces effortless and efficient.

  • Hot Reload:

    Flutter's innovative Hot Reload feature helps accelerate development by permitting real-time code modifications. Furthermore, it provides immediate visual feedback for faster development cycles and increased creativity.

  • Large and Engaging Community:

    Flutter boasts an active and expanding developer community with plenty of resources, tutorials, and third-party packages available that can support your projects.

Disadvantages of Flutter

  • Steeper Learning Curve:

    Although Flutter can be powerful, its power comes with challenges; mastering both Dart (the programming language used by Flutter) and its framework may take some time and hard work before being fully realized.

  • App Size Considerations:

    Due to Flutter's implementation, Flutter apps tend to be larger than equivalent native ones and may necessitate longer download and storage requirements than equivalent native applications.

  • Complex App Suitability:

    Flutter may not be ideal for developing apps with deep integration between native features and libraries.

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Electron is a framework for developing desktop applications using web technologies like JavaScript and HTML.

It was initially crafted by GitHub and has since gained significant recognition. Imagine having the ability to build robust desktop applications using the familiarity of web development.

Electron excels when the task requires deep integration with native system APIs.

Tech giants such as Microsoft, GitHub, and Slack have embraced Electron to create cross-platform desktop solutions.

It's a trusted choice for developers seeking to bridge the gap between web and desktop.

Let us now look out the advantages and disadvantages of Electron!

Advantages of Electron

  • Ease of Adoption:

    Electron offers web developers an effortless method for developing desktop applications using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS web standards to quickly develop desktop apps using desktop computing technology.

  • Bountiful Ecosystem:

    Developers can leverage Electron's robust ecosystem of web development tools, libraries, and frameworks, which provides plenty of resources for their projects.

  • Stability and Support:

    Electron is an advanced framework supported by an active community, guaranteeing regular updates, bug fixes, and on-going assistance.

  • Complex Application Capabilities:

    Electron is adept at developing complex apps requiring intricate integration between native system APIs and desktop apps. Hence providing you access to feature-packed programs with its advanced technologies.

Disadvantages of Electron

  • Performance Challenges:

    Electron applications may lag behind native apps due to using web browser engines for rendering purposes and, consequently, increasing resource use while diminishing overall efficiency of performance.

  • App Size:

    Due to using Chromium as their browser engine, Electron apps tend to be larger compared with native applications.

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility Issues:

    Electron apps may experience incompatibilities between operating systems and versions due to differences between OS APIs and Chromium engines. This causes compatibility issues across platforms and versions.

Electron Vs Flutter: Overview

Feature Flutter Electron
Language Dart JavaScript, HTML, CSS
User Interface Customizable widgets Web technologies (HTML, CSS, JS)
Rendering Engine Skia Chromium (Blink)
Platform Support iOS, Android, Web, Desktop (Windows, macOS) Windows, macOS, Linux
Performance High performance, native-like performance Decent performance, relies on Chromium
Size of Apps Smaller app size Larger app size due to bundled Chromium
Development Speed Hot reload for fast development Hot reload for fast development
Community Growing community Large and mature community
Ecosystem Limited third-party packages Vast number of libraries and frameworks available
Desktop Support Experimental, evolving Well-established, mature
Integration Native integrations through platform channels Restricted native API access, dependence on web standards
Learning Curve Moderate to high Moderate to high

Electron vs Flutter: Crucial Comparison


Electron apps tend to perform slower than native apps due to using web browser technology for rendering. On the other hand, Flutter apps are compiled directly to native code for optimal performance.

App Size

Electron apps tend to be larger than native applications due to integrating the Chromium web browser engine, while Flutter apps may still be larger due to including Flutter runtime technology.

Cross-platform compatibility

Electron apps may experience cross-platform compatibility issues due to variations between operating systems and browser engines, whereas Flutter apps offer greater cross-platform support.


Electron and Flutter offer comprehensive feature sets; however, Electron may be better for complex apps requiring access to native system APIs.

Ease of Use

Electron can be quickly picked up, especially by web developers with experience using web technologies, while Flutter requires more time for learning.

Community Assistance

Electron offers strong community support, while Flutter remains more of an emerging framework with smaller yet growing support communities.

Electron vs Flutter: Final Verdict

Choosing between Flutter and Electron ultimately depends on your project's requirements and your familiarity with the technologies.

Flutter excels in creating high-performance, cross-platform mobile and web apps with a rich widget library.

Electron, on the other hand, is your go-to choice for complex desktop applications that require access to native system APIs.

Both frameworks have their merits, and the decision should align with your specific needs.

Wrapping Up

And there you have it, everyone!

We have successfully answered your queries about Electron vs. Flutter, which framework is the ideal framework for app development.

So, when designing an app, remember that choosing an appropriate framework sets the stage for its creation.

Moreover at Wegile, we can bring your app dreams to life! Get in touch with us today to turn your app ideas into a reality!

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